Online Giving
We now support online giving through Vanco Payment Solutions. They are safe, secure, and simple. Click the orange button to the right to get started! It's a very straightforward process. However, if you'd like instructions, scroll down for a walk-through.
Or follow this link if the button is broken: https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z2TM/home
To get started, click on the above Orange Button that says "Donate Online." This will take you to the following screen:
From here you can select if you'd like to direct your donations to Faith Lutheran, to FACMM directly, or into the General Fund to be used as needed.
After selecting that box you will be brought to a new screen that looks like this:
On this screen you input the amount of your donation, the frequency (which includes one-time) and the start date for your donation. When you have filled this out, click "add to basket" and your donation will be in the basket. Click the "continue to payment" button to continue your donation.
On this secure screen you input your information and after doing so click "Continue to review."
Then after reviewing that the information is correct, click "Submit" and your donation will be sent to the fund that you specified.
Thank you for your support!

In-Depth Online Donating Instructions

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. ~Galations 6:2