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Our Mission Fields


Warrensburg Lutheran Campus Ministry is meeting the need of a valued age group on the University of Central Missouri Campus. In the LCMS we constantly worry about the fact that so many young adults leave the faith between 18 and 25. There’s a huge dropping off point there. Some people say “Oh well…they’ll come back when they get married.” That’s just not good enough. The salvation of their souls is not something that we can just say “Oh well” about. That’s why the WLCM exists, to proclaim Christ and guide students and staff through life as Christians. We provide a Christ-centered community. We do all that we can to ensure that Jesus Christ is revealed to the students of the University of Central Missouri. We are His witnesses, testifying about Him.


We don’t just preach to the choir either. We minister to Christians and Non-Christians alike, we minister to international students and local students, we minister to those fresh out of High School and second career students. Jesus died for each one of them; we can’t help but show them that.


There are, of course, obstacles here that we must navigate. One being adhering to what the school says religious organizations can and cannot do. The best way we continue to be faithful in this way is by equipping our students to be able to share Christ. The road ahead will be continuing to do this. It will be continuing to bear testimony about the one who died for our sins.


Faith Lutheran Church in Knob Noster exists to seek and to save the lost. It was founded in 1983 in order to proclaim the Gospel to the community of Knob Noster and to those at Whiteman Air Force Base. As those who have been brought to know the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ, we want to share that hope with as many people as possible. This fervent desire to make disciples of all nations leads us to be engaged in community activities and to support local efforts at caring for those in need.


We believe that the people around us matter. Jesus Christ died to set his people free from sin. As sinners who have received this forgiveness, we look to our neighbors with compassion. They need to hear this message of hope in Christ, and we are committed to boldly proclaiming it.


We are happy to coordinate with the Chaplains of Whiteman Air Force Base to serve the men and women of Whiteman. We believe that those people who dedicate their lives to serving our country should hear the full Gospel of Christ. Regulations prohibit evangelistic “cold calls” on base. So we instead focus on developing relationships with individuals and families directly. In doing so we show they are more than just “a soul” to us, and that we are committed to meeting them where they are in life rather than demanding they come to us. God the Son himself was born into the world, died on the cross, and rose again from the dead to save the people we see in our daily lives. How can we not want to share this truth?

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